Tuesday, 18 March 2014



For my Estelle design I used a Mac liquid foundation that matched my models skin tone. I applied special effects to this look by giving her a bruise on her left bottom eye. I used yellow, purple and then red from my supra colour pallet. I applied this using a small brush and also dabbing this on with my finger. Her lipstick was quite a dark pink. Although I see her lips looking very natural, I wanted her lips to show up on the black and white photo so I went a few shades darker than I would have if it were colour.
For her hair a barrel curled the whole head except the front and pinned them in. Whilst taking them out I back brushed each section for volume. I then created a French pleat style at the back. For the front I originally planned to finger wave this by wetting the hair. This did not work so well when I attempted it so I instead wrapped them in a roll and pinned them out the face.

I like my over all look for Estelle even though my finger wave plan did not work. I like the effect the Vaseline brought to the bruise to make it look more swollen so it is shining on camera.

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