Monday 10 February 2014

Testing full Make Up for Miss Haversham

Why do we shade the face? Bringing depth, contouring, highlighting, bones, shape, form
- Restructuring contour of the face
- Graduation of a colour
When older all these places you have creases and skin falls in.

- -Duo glue is  like liquid latex
- Wipe on wait till dry. Scratching it
- Great for creating dryness on lips
I set up my station and laid out my products under couch roll. I cleaned my hands tied my hair back from myself and my model. I placed a gown on my model and made my area clean and tidy.
-          White Illamasqua foundation I applied with a foundation brush
-          I then powdered on top translucent powder with a big powder brush
-          With a small brush I patted on a grey powder shade (Charles Fox) underneath her eye lid for a tired look
-          With the same colour I used my contour brush to shade the cheekbones, temples, forehead and jawline.
-          Using my supra grease colour palette I mixed colours grey, blue and white and patted this on with my fingers on the corners of her lips.
 I am pleased with my testing of make up for Miss Haversham. I used white Illamasqua rich foundation which I think worked well for my model here but I know my model for the final look has darker skin so I think I will go darker colour to suit her better. I like the contouring on her cheekbones as this gives her a gaunt look. I think the blue lips also look good as it makes her look older. When I do this look agin I think I will do something different with her eyebrows. Maybe make them look a little bit messier.

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